Why Do I Need Title Insurance?

"Title Insurance . . . Why do I need that anyway?"  

It's a question professionals in the title industry often hear. 

When you purchase property, can you be sure the seller really owns it? How many mortgages does the seller have? Legal processes like divorce, probate, and trusts often affect real estate.  A title company researches the property and ensures that all debts have been satisfied. 

A title insurance policy protects against claims of ownership and liens. It assures you of a legal defense, paying court costs and related fees. Also, if the claim proves valid, you will be reimbursed for your actual loss up to the face amount of the policy.

Capital Title offers quality title insurance,
and we’re ready to serve you.

For more information on the benefits of title insurance visit Home Closing 101, a website provided by the American Land Title Association (ALTA).

1 comment:

  1. I think an important addition to this short blog is the percentages of claims we see in Michigan. It is higher than the average seller and buyer think.


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