Spotlight: Don Rump


Position:  Senior Vice President / Attorney for Title Operations
Phone:  248 208 4916

Don joined the Capital Title team in June 2011.  He has almost 30 years of experience in title, claims, escrow and litigation, and is State Underwriting Counsel. Don oversees the Title Department, which includes Exam and Abstracting.   

theme song
If You Like Pina Coladas
at Starbucks
Whatever my wife has me picking up for her. 
my vacay
Wherever they have little grass huts on posts built over the water.
5 children, 4 cats, 2 dogs
That my wife actually married me.
title insurance love
It's like taking a test where you know all the answers.
To quickly produce an accurate, great product and not be noticed.
bring it
Experience, positive attitude and decisive.
walk or run
chocolate or vanilla
cat or dog
Sad if I had to make a choice.
city or country
City that feels like you are in the country.
pancakes or waffles
As many as possible.


  1. Don's montra, "Experience, postive attitude and decisiveness" sum up my experience with working with Capital Title! Don's leadership, expertise and example will only serve to further enhance the customer's experience, I'm certain!

    Welcome to the Fidelity National Title Group family, Don!

  2. My first interaction with Don,as well as all my other interaction(s), was a positive one. I came to him with a question, regarding a title/closing issue. Don gave the me the same answer I had in mind to correct the problem. He is a super addition to Capital Title. Welcome to the Capital Title Team!


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